Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My First Film!!!

Blew Dandelion from Manny Hernandez on Vimeo.

I can only say that I am really happy I was able to complete a film and can't wait to start on a new one. Thank you to all who helped me on this film. Hope you enjoy.


  1. so awesome. music works perfect. freaking amazing job my friend.

  2. Jelly Bean10:05 AM

    i couldn't help it. i had to watch it...and i'm so glad i did! so touching, so lovely...so proud of you.

  3. I love all the random creatures he sees on his journey! You did an awesome job!

  4. congrats buddy! on to the next one!!

  5. Hey Manny-

    I really enjoy the pacing of your film. There's something very pleasing about the way blue guy passes by the little forest creatures, and then continues on his way.

    Keep up the great work!


  6. Manny, I really want to recommend you to apply for Illumination Entertainment studio. it is the studio that made the Despicable Me. They were always looking for very appealing designs of characters with personality and wit. unlike pixar characters which is more story focused character design, they seemed like to be looking for appealing and something that gives you spark. lol I talked to them and the word spark is what she exactly said. you should try to contact them!! I don't know if you got call back from them but I thought of your style when she was describing what she was looking for. your must fit there. good luck friend. I always admire your work!!

  7. Amazing dude! It looks very pro, you're on your way.

  8. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
    That Is The Bombdur right there!
    Really cool man, Inspired!

  9. AWESOME! great cartoon manny.

  10. Hi Manny! I saw your film at the producer's show and I really like it alot :) You are so so so talented, I can't wait to see what you do in the next 3 years. I love the world that you created, its really .. fantastic!!!

    Best of luck next year, are you going to any company for the summer?

    Ahhh good luck! :) great stuff!

  11. This animation blows! lol just kidding, but i was blown away by the awsomness of this animation. cant wait to see your next film.

  12. That is sooo cool, Manny! Like the surprise ending:)

  13. Wicked, just Wicked

  14. Yeah! Great job Manny!!! That was cool.
