Saturday, February 27, 2010

Working on film!!!

Hello all. Its been a while since I posted and its all due to me working on my film. Making a film is the hardest obstacle i have yet faced. In fact, it is about a million times harder than i thought it was going to be. But I guess all seems easy until you try it. Anyway, i thought I would take a rest and do some watercolor today. I'll post some more watercolor stuff later. Oh and incase your wondering, the above drawing is not for my film.


  1. ya yaya, it's hard. nelson says come clean up his desk.

  2. hahaha that's exactly you! awesome!!

  3. dude it is hard. I'll agree it's the hardest thing I've ever tried to do.

  4. i want to see your film

  5. i lub the simplicity of this,i would wonder how this would look animated, be awesom though
